
Hart Cohen
Western Sydney University

There can be no doubt that climate change and its complex set of problems pose enormous challenges to the human capacity for understanding and finding solutions to them. This issue through its guest editor, Myra Gurney, offers a number of approaches to the concerns raised by climate change. The focus is on both discursive and thematic issues along with an important interview with Tim Flannery who has led the engagement with climate change strategy as a high-profile voice for mitigation.

I would like to thank Myra for her dedication to leading this issue’s content and for her important role in ensuring the writing quality of the papers in their stylistic and literary presentation. Thanks also to our many reviewers and especially to Roman Goik, Tim Dwyer and Antonio Castillo for their assistance in the realisation of this issue.

This is our second issue for 2017. We are underway with planning for 2018. Please watch this space!

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